(jeans: thrifted American Eagle. shoes: thrifted. skirt: Gap. purse: Target. flannel: KMart. striped shirt: roommate's. black tank top: studiomate's. button-down: Carson's. fake uterus: floormate's blanket, rubberbands.)
NCIS forensic scientist Abby Sciuto (and, by extension, actress Pauley Perrette) is my new favorite person. She's like the Gothic Lolita Badass alter ego I never had.
I want to be best friends with her and have her cut my hair into black fringe and blast pounding techno music in computer labs while we analyze the various molecular structures of delicious cocktails, let cow-eyed cutiepies curl up in the corner, and give our deadpan sociopathic bosses hugs that could crush a camel.
Oh, and the cross tattoo. LOOK AT IT! Who doesn't want a fantabulous Jesus symbol plastered on their backs? Well, atheists. But it's not like Abby or I are big religieuses, anyway.
(Images: google.com)
THIS IS NOT LA MOSSINATOR. Just saying that if you're going to be a member of the biggest Kate fanclub on the FB, much less post pictures on it, you should at least know what the reason for the biggest Kate fanclub on the FB looks like.
(all pictures from ISAOKMPPFE)
A crazy epic vest! My stepgrandparents gave it to me a few Xmases back because they knew I liked 'vintage clothing.' Ironically, it's not vintage at all (it's Yes London if you care to know).
Ostensibly, it's a simple jersey cotton, but a closer look reveals:
It's asymmetrical to the max and has about 80 different fabrics on there: gold plastic-y stuff, brown suede, black wool, lace, what looks like the back of a Velcro strip, velvet, and some itchy blue sparkly stuff around the collar (the main reason I don't wear this that often--the itching drives me nuts).
Not that I'm a snob or anything (LOL JK), but there's a fine line between the seamless blending of fabric and pattern a la Missoni:
And the "throw everything at the dress form and see what sticks" a la Guadalupe Vidal:from Project RunGay
This vest falls squarely into the latter category.
Closeups on the tickety-tack!
Random fabric paint! Clashing black/brown! Buttons that don't work!
Strange inside-out darts. Or are they pleats? I CAN'T TELL!
The piece de resistance: a giant motherfucking collage of lace, gold thread, pearls, beads, bows, velvet, wool, the kitchen sink, Angelina Jolie, and Master Chief. (The shiny is the pearls, in case you were too BLINDED BY THE EPIC TACKY).
It looks like Jackson Pollock in 3-D. So classy.