Thursday, December 18, 2008

cousin bridesmaid

For my aunt's Christmas wedding. Simple and gorgeous.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Le Masque.

Attempts of mine to be more edgy and bold and gothic in the ways of fashion. Which is difficult when working with nothing but a dingy laptop camera. But ah well. Soon I shall make use of my family's digital camera, for I am home for the holidays!

I've had that fabric lying around for ages, btdubbs. It's fantastically purpley-brown and teal. FANTASTICALLY, I tell you.

Friday, December 12, 2008


(click for larger images)

I'm a hat person. It's probably not a good addiction. The first picture, one of my fave hats--this ratty old used fedora (still has feathers and everything!!) set me back $25. I know. What the hell. SO EXPENSIVE. I probably could have asked my grandpa for one and gotten it fo' free. Ah well. I get most of them off the street or vintage (the second fedora was off the street--I found its twin in denim for like, a dollar at K-Mart. This one was $10. Gah. New York prices.)

But when I wear it with my fab beige peacoat-esque jacket, I look very film noir. At least that's what one of my filmie friends said. Fedoras are super-fun, even if they are a bit out of style. Only because they're overused. I wear my wool tweed one all the time, because it's old and well-loved. I'll probably show it to my grandpa, who will immediately accept me as his favorite granddaughter.

(P.S. Behind me is my roommate, who is so sartorially fab it's not even close to funny. Someday, I shall get her to take some pictures, and you may all bask in her glory.)

Melissa Haro


From Sports Illustrated 2008


Seriously, I want to be best friends with her and play with her silky brown hair and cuddle with her. Look at her. Before she got typecast as slutty 20-year-old SI model (which will haunt her for the rest of her life) she was a surprisingly versatile (but still slutty) 16-year-old PR model.

Look at her in that adorable updated retro chaste silk flowered dress. LOOK AT IT.
Now look at her in that whoretastically fabulous pirate girl bikini. Can you even tell it's the same girl? Only barely. She's like Kate Moss with her versatility, only she's tall, dark, and voluptuous. If she ever breaks free of the SI curse, she could have a fantastic career. Honestly, it'd be good to see someone with a really killer bod after all the twiggy china dolls walking the runway for the past five years.

GAH! She could be Cindy Crawford. The potential, it burns!!

P.S. Look at her creamy, gorgeous skin. Raw as hell, girl!